
Berlinale 2008 - Call for Entry - Shorts

Dear Sir / Madam,

for the Berlin International Film Festival we are currently preparing the new edition of its children and youth film section Generation. The festival will take place from 7-17 February 2008.

Generation is hosting two competitions for children and teenagers: Kplus screens short and feature films aiming at different age groups from four years on. Short and feature films for an audience from 14 years on are being presented in the 14plus competition.

We would like to invite you to submit your current feature or short films to our festival section. Please follow the instructions for “film entry” on our homepage. You can either enter your film online or use our PDF entry form:


For the selection process we would like to ask for a 35mm print, VHS or DVD (with English subtitles) and the completed entry form. Please register the films no later than beginning of November and send the screening material earliest possible.

Please note, that if a film is selected for our section of the festival, it must be a GERMAN premiere and produced no earlier than 2007. Additionally for the screening, we would need a 35mm print. Please check our guidelines carefully for further requirements and information.

If you have any further questions regarding your submission please get in touch with us:

For feature films: Florian Weghorn (weghorn@berlinale.de, phone: +49-30-25920-422)

For short films: Jens Wagner (wagner@berlinale.de, phone +49-30-25920-423)

We look forward to hearing from you!

With best wishes,

The Generation team


Berlin International Film Festival

Potsdamer Strasse 5
10785 Berlin
